I would check the coil on the water-valve 55#, Dual solenoid and/ or the coil of the Water-valve 141# single solenoid. Simply remove screws take off the back lower cardboard/ fiber glass cover. with connector removed from coil check resistance from one terminal to the other, if infinite resistance (flashing reading on digital meter) then the coil is open and needs replace.
Also, while back cover is off and before you do the above step; you may want to have someone push the dispense lever while you listen and feel the valve(s) opening every time the dispense lever is pushed. If
one or the other does not sound or feel like it's opening especially the single solenoid; check it's coil with the meter as above. (#refers to the number of the valve(s) on Frigidaire blowup of parts/ manual).
SEE; Publication No. 5995319240 Good Luck
August 2011