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Mend Rear Tine Tiller

how can i fix my cub cadet rear tine tiller rt 65?

recently purchased tiller tires stuck in reverse, tines won,t turn either direction. any ideas other than taking it back.

barry switzer
February 2008
cub cadet rt 65 stuck in neutral will not shift.

Ronald L Perkins
April 2021
I could release clutch bar but tiller was still engaged.
Thought clutch needed adjusted but it didn't help.

Found out that the large nut holding the smaller flywheel bracket to transmission had backed out 1/4 inch. (Nut behind the large flywheel about 3-4 inches below the large flywheel spindle)

Tightened large nut and it works great now.

Ed Atkins
June 2020
I hosed down my rt 65 after every use It still looked new after a year.
It then froze in gear at one year.
Cub Cadet paid to have the transmission replaced.
It seems to be a design flaw and water can follow the shifter rod down at the top and rust the transmission completely. (I've seen a plastic piece on the top of recent models.

May 2012
Barry, did you ever get this fixed? I'm having the same problem. What would you recommend, based on your experience?

May 2011
It may be that the clutch is engaged. If this is the case, you need to loosen the adjustment on the belt. There is a threaded adjuster on the cable going to the handle. Loosen this until there is a little slack in the cable. A way to check on the top of the tine guard. There should be a black metal rod sticking up. If it is sticking up more than a half an inch or so, the clutch is engaged. Loosen the adjuster until that bolt settles back in and the gear selector should be able to be moved easier then.

Kevin Hadley
April 2008
Mend D.I.Y, Gardening
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Mend D.I.Y, Gardening
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