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Mend Rover Fine Heater Head

Rover 416I Fans working fine, but heater gives no heat???

On my rover 416I the head was recentley redone after 40k as there famous for and now runs perfect "ish" these cold days now theres no heat inside and its perfect for keeping ur frozen food in. The heater can be turned on the fan up on any speed but it just blows freezing cold air, now ive looked about and people say the resistor behind the glove box, but isnt that resistor just to control the fan speed? like i said the fan speeds all work fine, but the heater gives cold air only, oh and the fuse under the bonet looks fine too.

Any ideas?

Andy Rich
February 2008
Hi, thanks for your help, the problem was the water level! after the car had been services for the head after the usual oil in water and water in oil problem comon with it, the garage refilled the water, but since id run about a bit the water had settled down and was still very low and well practically empty in the bottle, so after a topup of fresh council pop, all was well again!


February 2008
Hi Andy,

I like to join to wirecutterman. Yes, might be an air lock in the cooling system. If I were you I would like to check the temperature control valve, or the heater control cable on the heater matrix. That might be one possibility the valve is stuck on closed position.

Hope this will help you.

February 2008
air lock in the cooling system use the bleeds valves located in the pipes to vent the air out just like a radiator in the house they look like a daisy(*) with a slot in the middle undo and wait for the HISSING TO STOP and water to flow try the other bleed top up the expansion bottle.

February 2008
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