The dishwasher sticks in its cycle with the pump running, probably waiting for a pressure switch to drop out or some sort of water level detector. Am I wrong or is there something else which could cause the symptoms?
Thank you Jackie, that solved the issue. The water inlet pipe burst and flooded the base. Tipping the machine backward to drain the water fixed the problem
Dov de Jong
December 2016
Don't use the all-in-one dishwasher tablets. I had the same problem; After reverting to using separate rinse aid, salt and powder - problem solved!
February 2009
There is a anti-flood tray at the bottom of the machine and if water leaks into it it activates a float switch which activates the pump. If you can drain this water away the machine will be reset but your leak might still need fixed. You could try putting the machine slowly on to its back which will tip the water from the drip tray onto your floor. Mop up and return your machine upright again and it should work.
Archie Jackson
March 2008
there is a float swich in the base that turns the pump on and it will run even if the machine is switched off.this is because you have water in the could have a leak from somewhere or just tip it sideways and let the water come out.this should reset float switch but if you find it happens again after a short while you will need to find where water gets into base
February 2008
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