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Mend Hotpoint Aquarius Washing Machines

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Mend repair fix Hotpoint Aquarius washing machines

Mend > Washing Machines

Mend Hotpoint Aquarius 1200

hotpoint aquarius 1200 wm75?

when being used the drum turns, it fills with water, it even seems to wash but then an error 30 comes up on the display and the machine stops and then it bleeps. any ideas what it could be and how i might be able to fix it. there also seems to be a noticable humming noise occured.
many thanks

June 2005
Error 30 pipe blocked, easy to fix, on the other side of the outlet pump you find a big rubber block, this is a filter and its full of junk, take of big clip with pliers the bit that goes to bottom of drum and take out from inside the plastic filter and clean, take note when putting back in make sure holes go to outlet and inlet orientation, to put clip on easily use a small G clamp.

October 2009
hotpoint wm75 drum bering

September 2009
My mum has this machine and it has a message on the screen about the out pipe being blocked, my mum and dad have checked the pipes and there does'nt appear to be any blockage, why is this information on there? the cycle runs for a bout 30mins and then stops, what could be the problem???

August 2006
Hi Mike,

It seem as tho you are not alone. I had a similar problem. Always something going wrong with it lol. Does your machine do what you say in your question everytime you switch on, or is it that it has done it once and stopped?

Mine filled (and emptied) ok but would not turn the drum, I heard a click and then bleeps and error 'E'. From then on the same. I sourced the problem to a small 7.5 amp fuse which controls the motor timer. It had blown. Replaced it and no further probs. HOWEVER, it may have blown for another reason which mine did. A wire had come off another motor to the right rear. Repaired and thats it. Hope this helps. All the best.

June 2005
Motor carbon brushes

June 2005
Mend Household Appliances, Washing Machines
Mend repair fix Hotpoint Aquarius washing machines

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Mend Household Appliances, Washing Machines
Mend repair fix Hotpoint Aquarius washing machines