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Mend Sky Box Turn

My Sky + box will not record any more?

My sky + box will only record if you are on the channel, it will not record if you turn over. if you record something on a different channel it says failed and if you click on the channel it says there is not satalite signal being received. my 1year warranty on the box ran out last month so do not want to have to pay loads of money to get it fixed. have been with Sky for 5/6years now though. can anyone help??

February 2008
just ring them and they talk u through wot 2 select to reset box so it records agen takes 5 mins or u can post letter n wait a couple of weeks n miss all your programs up 2 u thx

big jeef
February 2011
Use this letter, this is a fault and its caused by sky, u will get it replaced or repaire for free..
This is for Sky+ customers only if your sky recordings don't work example Amstrad. Email this letter to then you get an email from sky. Don't phone them up just a waist of time unless you going to cancel.

Dear Sir,
as a long standing customer of Sky, I am bitterly disappointed with my current viewing experience due to the fault that has developed within the Amstrad box supplied by Sky, which you claim will enhance my viewing choices available, and at times convenient to me. The fault makes it impossible to watch recordings, or live broadcasts when recording other stations, due to the picture & sound constantly stuttering
There is mounting evidence on consumer forums such as that a whole batch of Amstrad's are suffering from this this common problem. More importantly however it was Sky that supplied these units to me to enable your Sky+ service for which you charge me monthly by subscription, but clearly, the units you supplied are unfit for purpose to fully enable that service to me.
There is mounting evidence that the problem started directly as a result of Sky changing the operating software during the summer 2006. Ie. Sky caused the problem to occur in the equipment you supplied to me, for a service you charge me by monthly subscription.
I fully expect that the unit will be replaced for free by a brand new PACE Sky+ PVR, as Sky have done for other customers that are in exactly the same situation. There is also evidence that replacement refurbished units start to suffer from the same problem in due course and I do not want to risk that. I pay a lot of money for the Sky services you provide so I expect to be given the best possible customer service and have my expectations met.
I will have to seriously consider cancelling the whole Sky service if my expectations are not met, because the monthly subscription I pay for this Amstrad unit does not represent value for money.

My Sky+ box is an Amstrad
Model: A20B015
Version: 4F2001
Ser. No: 00920985xx
Op. Sys. Ver: 1.31B00
EPG Software: Sky+4.10.C

State what ever box you got then you get a reply back. Taken from Digital Spy forumns. Good luck!.

To find out what version you have press Services, press 4 then press 5 (back up three times to exit).

suzy johnson
May 2008
In order to work properly Sky+ boxes need two feeds from the Dish. You have appear to have lost one of the two feeds.

The most likely cause is a loose coax plug at the back of the box. Unplug the Sky+ box from the mains and check that both of the coax cables from the dish are secure. (They screw in.)

If the connectors are nice and tight then look for a break in the cables. If they are OK the connections at the dish need to be checked. If they are OK then, assuming that the dish has a Quad LNB (four cable sockets), try moving the cables one at a time to a spare socket.

After checking all,that you need to call Sky.

February 2008
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