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Mend Renault Scenic In-Car Audio

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Mend Renault Scenic See Input Code

how to input renault scenic radio code, cant see display to input the code?

Renault scenic rx4 i cant seem to input the code to the radio, should see "code (0000) " on display above radio.but just reads code when use the thumb scroll on steering wheel just beeps , am i looking in the right place for the (0000) thanks in advance

February 2008
Renault scenec radio cassette player replaced with CD player and can't get any display on dash so I can't see the code 0000 pls need help putting code in with out display , everytinr I use thumb wheal it just keeps beeping and I'm sure it's not surpose to do that as I remember wen I did it before the only bro was wen I confirmed each code

February 2013
hi i have just purchased a renault scenic expression and i cannot seem to get my radio to load to 0000 in order for me to put my code in???

April 2011
hi i have just purchased a renault scenic expression and i cannot seem to get my radio to load to 0000 in order for me to put my code in???

September 2010
radio on renault scenic code display not working checked all fuses will not display

May 2010
How can you leave renault scenic cd player on for a long time without engine on to remove error?

November 2009
model 22dc25962p

July 2009
Cuando en la pantalla sale CODE, introducir el numero correspondiente al dígito que esta parpadeando pulsando el 1 de la radio para el primer dígito, hasta el cuarto para el cuarto dígito. Una vez se tenga el número de código en la pantalla pulsar durante varios segundos el pulsador 6 para memorizar.

Francesc Buque©
December 2008
Thanks Leslie William Battams
,this helped us when we had tried pressing every button possible !lol

September 2008
Not an answer as such, but just a Thank You, as I just had to use this advice after a bit of googling, and it worked a treat. I'd never, ever, have worked this out in a month of Sundays.


John T
February 2008
Hi. Say if you wanted to enter code 1352.
When your code is 0000. Turn the thumbwhell untill you see 1.
press the lower key on the satelite. This looks like a arrow pointing down to the right, with a oblong line underneath.this will confirm the digit and move on to the next one.
Do the same to all the other digits. Then press and hold in the satelite button till you hear a bleep. Job done

Leslie William Battams
February 2008

February 2008

February 2008
you will have to leave the radio turned on and wait for it to reset to ---- then youmay retry using radio controls near the wheel, a failed attempt will mean u will have to wait double the time before a rety

February 2008
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