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Mend Computers, Notebooks/Laptop PCs

My laptop does not have a rs 232 slot?

i'm trying to download an update using rs 232 cable which i don't have, so how do i get round this?. Also the file i'm downloading is a bin file which i know nothing about, do i need to open this file first or do i just download it. if i need to open it what should i use

Andrew Higginson
February 2008
Your question is a little confusing however RS232 is not found much on modern computers. If you have a desktop you should be able to buy an add-on card. A laptop will be more difficult usually meaning you have to buy a whole docking station or it just may not be possible with your model.

A .bin file means that the file is a binary file but how it is used is dependent on the Operating System and/or the Application and you don't really five enough (if fact you don't give any) information about either.

February 2008
Mend Computers, Notebooks/Laptop PCs
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