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Mend Aquarius Washing Machines

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Mend Aquarius Cycle Problems

Hotpoit Aquarius Wma58s - Wash Cycle Problems?


Bit of a strange one this!

I had to take off the outlet hose and clean it due to a blockage. I
put the hose back on, turned the hot/cold taps back on, then did
a wash, to cut a long story short, every time i do a wash, no matter what wash cycle setting i use, may it be L,K,J,H,G,F,E,D, etc, it only washes on a hot wash.

Can anyone shed some light on this.

Thanks to all that reply!

February 2008
I've done that myself Jack....but would I hell admit it to the punter!! Cheers John :)

February 2008
Hi John.

I did think the same, so i have just pulled the machine out, and
guess what! you are spot on.

So thanks for reassuring me that i am a complete idiot!

February 2008
You haven't reversed the hot and cold fill pipes have you? Any reason to suspect the valves are faulty?

February 2008
Mend Household Appliances, Washing Machines
Click here to mend Aquarius washing machines

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