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Mend Hotpoint Freezers

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Mend Hotpoint Hot Point Fridge Freezer Problem

hot point fridge freezer problem?

hotpoint model ff92 .the fan inside freezer stops working @ the fridge begins to heat up.I removed panel at rear of freezer comp.I pulled the green plug out @ put back in the fan started working ok.@ the fridge worked perfectly.but about 5 days later fault came I did the plug thing again @ working again .any ideas please .Alex.D

Alex Davidson
June 2005
it could be the defrost timer, some of these have an inbuilt fan delay. either that or you have one of those supco timers that are electronic, worked via cpacitor / resistor. saw this before with one. would go on a defrost every 4 - 5 days and stay on for hours. supposed to be 4 times a day for around 15 mins.

i do this for a living and i would never buy a frost free!!

fridgy phillip
June 2005
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Mend repair fix Hotpoint freezers

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Mend repair fix Hotpoint freezers