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Mend Toilets

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Mend D.I.Y, Toilets
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Mend D.I.Y, Toilets

How do I repair a leaking Armitage Shank ceramic cistern?

The cistern is leaking lots of water. I can't get a plumber but can get to plumbing supplies. I don't know where to start. The supplies place told me to bring in the parts but I don't know what parts and don't want to do more damage.

January 2008
is it leaking all the time? if it is then you need to find out where from and replace the washer inside the cistern. this means take the cistern off and replace either the siphone washer or the washer on the bottom of the ball valve. If it only leaks when you flush the toilet then take the cistern off and replace the do nut washer. if you do take the cistern off always replace the do nut washer they cost about a pound

March 2008
Obviously it depends on where its leaking from.....if its all the time, then its the seal where the syphon fits in the middle bottom of the cistern - if its just when you flush its the large rubber ring seal between the cistern and the loo pan at fault. Its also not unknown for the fill pipe or overflow pipe to leak if they enter the cistern from below. Anyway, the two halves of the loo have to be separated - this means water off and feed pipe disconnected, overflow pipe disconnected (if there is one), flush the loo to get rid of as much water as possible, then below the cistern there are two wing nuts that hold the cistern on to the pan. If you can undo these the cistern will lift off, revealing the large rubber washer I'm on about, together with the large plastic nut that holds the syphon in place. At this point you should be able to get some idea of where the leak is from. At this point if you think that its the syphon seal at fault take the cistern to the plumbers merchant and I'm sure they'll fit you a new one. Hope this gives you some idea!

January 2008
Mend D.I.Y, Toilets
Mend repair fix toilets

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Mend D.I.Y, Toilets
Mend repair fix toilets