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Mend Sony CD Players

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Mend Sony Cd Player Spin

I need to fix my SONY Walkman. Model D-EJ100?

I've had this cd player for two years and the warranty is up. Whenever I put a CD in, the disk will spin for a few seconds and 'disk' will show up on the screen but after that it beeps twice and the disk quits spinning. I've tried to clean and readjust the lens but it's not working. Please help.

June 2005
I have the same problem with mine, but I have a remote for it and when I plug it in, if I work from the remote, it works fine. So maybe it has nothing to do with the lens. Maybe it's the buttons on the cd player instead.

August 2005
same thing is going on with mine. I refuse to pay 25 bucks for a exchange. if you ever find out whats wrong with it e-mail me

June 2005
hmm... I have the same model, same thing happened to me ( I think..) I know it was skipping really bad and it had fresh batteries and I tryed cleaning the lense. Called Sony and they told me to send mine in and they sent me a new one. Wouldn't you know it, it was 2 days after my warranty expired that it happened too!

June 2005
Mend Audio, CD Players
Mend repair fix Sony cd players

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Mend Audio, CD Players
Mend repair fix Sony cd players