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Mend Computers, Notebooks/Laptop PCs

my school has block youtube how do i get past the filter?

my school has block youtube how do i get past the filter

ryan wilson
January 2008
dont listen to urban, i pull that joke one my friends working on projects all the time, except i tell them to save first; of course. Alt+F4 closes any window active at the time.

kitten krusher
October 2010
there at at least 20 http explorer addresses that I personally know of that has an adress box that allows you to get onto any browser.
(just about ANY LETTER and
there are a million more on Q&A boards.

Kasey Gallagher
February 2008
Hey! Real easy fix:) Instead of just typing in your browser, type ONLY "" (without the quotes) and then hit enter, and you're in:D

Works on SurfControl at my school, I hope it works for you:P

Patrick Sewell
January 2008
On your Internet Explorer at school type in when it comes up that it is blocked press ALT + F4 together and this will override the filter.

Urban Kaos
January 2008
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