.... fi it doesnt work by pushing in the lighter button for a few minutes, it probably means the fuse has gone. Not the plug fuse in the wall - the fuse in the boiler! If you drop down the front you will see a box on the right approx 2x2" if I remember. there are a coyuple of screws to undo and under this is where the fuse goes... these are now plug fuses! Probably best going to a heating company / plumbers merchants and they will give you a pack for a bout £2 for a small box..... or you could call an engineer out who will charge you £50+
Try this first!!
Another option is that the filter may need cleaning which means the whole of the front of the boiler has to come off and should be done by corgi registered person
I know my boiler inside out due to problems I've had with it over the past 6 years... British Gas ended up showing me how to fix it!
Jen (yup female however not blonde ;0) )
May 2008