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Mend Ariston Dishwashers

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Mend Ariston Opening Door Dishwasher

Opening the door on my Ariston Dishwasher?

The door on my Ariston dishwasher has jammed shut and I cannot get it open.
Any ideas how to get it open?

May 2005
My Ariston LS 601 door locked shut during normal loading between cycles and was successfully opened using the top curve of a metal coat-hanger.

[Running a wash programme would not release it, indicating a physical problem]

Make a small hook bend at the tip of the metal end and insert in under the door handle whilst pulling the handle as if to open. Feeling around "blind" for 10 mins or so you will locate the mechanism for release.

Then it's easy to unscrew the metal interior to the door to gain access to release the control panel at the top of the door along with the handle/lock.

A small piece of the plastic mechanism had snapped on mine and the whole moulded unit is removed for repair/replacement.

Paul Morgan
January 2006
Try pulling the dishwasher out, disconnecting from the mains, and then remove the top panel (two screws at the rear). At the front, in the middle you should see a piece of plastic held on with a single screw. Remove the screw and the door should open.
The chances are that the handle mechanism has broken - this is what happened to me - they are easily obtainable on the web.

January 2006
Mend Kitchen Appliances, Dishwashers
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