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Mend Dimplex Convector Heaters

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Mend > Convector Heaters

Mend Dimplex Heater Working Heat Cold

Electric Dimplex Storage Heater?

Hi - I also have dimplex storage heater which stopped working, but no heat at all - just cold. Does anyone know if this could be caused by one of the elements not working - would this mean all the elements would be effected and not heat up at all - or could it be due to thermostat, bearing in mind my storage heater is the old grey model not the newer white one?

I plan on getting part and fixing myself as instructions has diagram of the parts inside, and I am quite handy at DIY stuff.

Thanks for any advice

December 2007
I have three dimplex 18n heaters and they too have just stopped working. Not the fuse box and the instructions have been read too to no avail. Is it easy to reset them?

November 2008
I have an XL24, the light comes on but no heat whatsoever, was working fine up to a few days ago!? anyone have any ideas?

February 2008
hi im having same problem mine is the dimplex xl24

lisa ann davies
January 2008
Mend Heating, Convector Heaters
Find out how to mend Dimplex convector heaters

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Mend Heating, Convector Heaters
Find out how to mend Dimplex convector heaters