I have two c-700's and and they only last about a year
you realy need to give a bit more detail on how its not working .. if it stopped responding there may be nothing you can do but take it in but depending on the camera it may be cheeper to buy a new one. make sure your batteries are good..
replace them again .. even low thew cam~ will stop responding.
make sure you door for your smart card is closed completly.. give it a little xtra nudge just in case.. you can go to places like ebay and see them VRS having it fixed .. i was looking and found a similar one :http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=3338&item=7517492575&rd=1
not the same but they range form 60.00-200.00 and a lot carry a 1-2 yr warrenty. hope this helps a bit..
May 2005