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Mend Ford Mondeo In-Car Audio

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Mend repair fix Ford Mondeo in-car audio

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Mend Ford Mondeo Code

Code for Ford Mondeo?

Hi, please i need help. i need the code for the ford mondeo radio... two lines in the radio: 96FU - 18K876 - BB and 3AA924021

tks so much

Luis Fernando
December 2007
Google 'ford radio codes' and you'll find a few firms that will provide you with your code on line....costs around £6, and you'll need the set serial number, which they'll help you with.

December 2007
Mend Audio, In-Car Audio
Mend repair fix Ford Mondeo in-car audio

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Mend Audio, In-Car Audio
Mend repair fix Ford Mondeo in-car audio