The power supply module is the usual cause. The 6353 regulator often fails due to poor design and an inadequate heatsink. If you are very unlucky, the diode nearby, marked T3D 47, will be open circuit as well. The 6353 is available from Nikko Electronics for about £7. I don't know a direct equivalent for the diode, but suspect that a fast 1 amp rectifier type would probably work. Be very careful removing the hard drive to access the power board, and also careful as you remove this for repair. It is easily damaged.
I found Panasonic customer service unhelpful, and will not be purchasing any more of their products in the future. My DMR-E95H needed repair twice under guarantee in the first year, and the local agent won't touch it now that this has expired. A poor quality product for the price!
Peter Hutchinson
May 2010