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Mend Ford Focus In-Car Audio

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Mend Ford Focus System Not Work

Why does my audio system keycode not work?

My car battery was replaced and since then the CD/radio won't work. It's a 5000 cd rds e.o.n in a T reg Ford Focus.
I have the hand book which has the code 3961 but when I enter it it says wait and counts down 30 minutes (the engine has to be on) then goes back to asking for the code again. I have put it in four times now, also tried 1234, then realised that I only have 10 attempts and it will lock.
I have no idea where to find the serial number - there is a blank space for it in the manual.
Please help.

November 2007
hi, you'll have to remove it fron the car, the serial number should be printed on the top or side, it should start with the letter M , give me the serial number and i will give you the code, regards

December 2007
Mend Audio, In-Car Audio
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