The button you're resetting is a high pressure cutout switch, which trips to protect the unit from overheating. You need to check the following:
1. make sure the unit has unobstructed ventilation to the side grilles (recommend at least 4 inches of space either side of the machine).
2. ensure the condensor coil is clean. with the unit turned off, carefully and thoroughly hoover out buildup of dust in the motor compartment, particularly on the face of condensor coil (this looks like a car radiator, situated behind and to the right of the control box)
3. turn the unit back on, and ensure the condensor fan is running (this is situated behind the control box, in the left-hand section of the motor compartment. Be careful not to touch any electrics or moving parts. If the fan isn't running, the fan motor needs replacing.
hope this helps
ice2o ice machines
November 2007