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Mend MP3 Players

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Mend Audio, MP3 Players
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Mend > MP3 Players

Mend Reset Months Ago

When I reset my 4GB MP4 it has only 2GB. How do I fix it?

I bought a ME2(Music Everywhere) about two months ago and then it showed a disk error. I reformatted it and it only had 2GB when it originally had four. How do I fix it?

November 2007
yeah i had the same problem with my 2gb mp4 player, cept it only gives me 28% of that now. I've had a talk around, and had problems like this with other mp3 players and found out that its basically the memory chip has got a memory effect like in rechargeable batteries. Basically its died, and you should take it back. As far as i know there is no cure.

December 2007
take it back

November 2007
Mend Audio, MP3 Players
Find out how to mend mp3 players

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Mend Audio, MP3 Players
Find out how to mend mp3 players