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Mend Start Cleaned Battery

My car will not start?

I have a 92 Jimmy V6 and I was driving it and all of a sudden the car stopped. I have cleaned the battery cords and tried to jump the car and the only thing that comes on are the door lights when you open the car door. As soon as I try to start the car the lights turn off and the car will not even turn over. The radio will try to come on for maybe 1 second barely but then it turns off.I don't know what to do?I was told that it could be the solenoid, my starter, or my timing belt. I don't know much about cars and I don't have any money I start my job on Monday but I need to get to work. I am trying to fix my car the cheapest way possible but I don't know where to begin and I don't know much about cars.

Tia Brown
May 2005
to jump start a vehicle from another connect live[+] from good battery to[+] on dead battery then connect[-]fron good battery to earth point on engine on dead vehicle this will bypass your dead battery if car does not turn over then or if you get a big spark when you connect the earth lead then suspect your starter and replace it.

alan mellor
April 2006
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