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Mend Key Wont R Reg

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We have 33 questions about mending 'key wont r reg'

How to mend ... Key Wont R Reg

Pages 21
Mend fit ford reg

My ignition key wont fit the hole?

I parked my Ford mondeoa R reg in the morning. On return in the afternoon, the doors opened electronically, b... [Read more]
Mend boot opens key

micra boot?

boot wont open. R reg micra. only opens with key not keyless opening
Mend transit motor turn


i have bypassed the imobiliser on my 2.5d r reg ford transit and i have got the starter motor to turn on the k... [Read more]
Mend reg renault checked light

immobliser wont deactivate?

hi we have a R reg Renault megane convertable, we have checked for white light in camera phone and there is on... [Read more]
Mend open inside opened

R reg Corsa boot wont open with key or central locking?

How do I open the boot from the inside and will I be able to lock it after its opened? Is this a common probl... [Read more]
Mend radio code key

Radio Code for X reg Rover 45?

We have a key fob with R**** and the 4 numbers, we have tried to enter this into the Code for the Radio/cd but... [Read more]
Mend changed help renault megane

immobalizer wont come off when i press my key, ?

the imobaliser will not come off when i press the key i have changed the batteries but still wont work .please... [Read more]
Mend car start driving

Please help car wont start!?

I have an R reg clio which has just had MOT and tax put on but now wont start. It was driving fine, parked it ... [Read more]
Mend reg start key

my R reg escort 1.8 si wont start?

i have an R reg 1.8 si that wont start. I turn the key and all i get is clicking.
Mend ford dash engine

r reg ford escort 16 g?

i turn the key all the dash lights come on as normal but engine wont turnover
Mend ideas megane petrol

any ideas on an electrical fault on 1997 ( R reg ) 1.6 scenic?

hi i have a megane scenic 1.6 petrol on a 1997 R reg that wont open the doors by the key , when i turn the ign... [Read more]
Mend key wont r reg

my key wont work Renault scenic r reg ?

the key wont open the door tried changing the battiers still wont work the key dose open the door manual but t... [Read more]
Mend off key going wont

my alarm keeps going off silently wen conected and the key fob wont loc the?

ford puma r reg 1.7 alarm keeps going off wen connected and the key fob wont work the central locking system h... [Read more]
Pages 21

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