1 hour ago: How can I repair DuraTech sh6010cp paper shredder on/off?

Mend Rover Cars

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Mend Rover

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We have 1872 questions about mending 'rover' in category Vehicles, Cars

How to mend ... Rover

Mend Vehicles, Cars

how can i fix the speedo on my auto rover 416?

speedo broke
Mend dashboard lights blown

my rover died!?

i've a 220TD and on journey all dashboard lights came on and it jus died on me. Check under bonnet and it had ... [Read more]
Mend rover 45 radio

How can I fix Rover 45 Radio Cassette?

No 1 pre selector button does not operate so unable to insert radio code.
Mend gasket ideas currently

Replacing Rover 45 cylinder head gasket, any ideas about the oil rail?

I am currently replacing the cylinder head gasket on a Rover 45 1.8 2001 model. There seems to be divided opi... [Read more]
Mend 4 digit code remote

4 digit code for rover remote?

where can i get the code to re programe the new fob for my wifes rover 400 1998. i do not have the code from t... [Read more]
Mend rang rover p38

rang rover p38?

loes power u hills
Mend oil change motor

Oil Change?

Which motor oil should I buy for a Rover 75 as it will soon be needing a change.
Mend rover 75 engine

rover 75 v6 ?

how do i get to the hosses that run through the v of the engine
Mend engine water change

rover 75 2.5 v6 engine water hoses change?

how do you change the cooling water hoses on a rover 75 2.5 v6
Mend time rover 25

car will not start, safety alarm keeps comimg on?

every time i try to start Rover 25 the safety alarm keeps coming on, how can i bypass alarm
Mend break lights help

how can I make my break lights work on my land rover free lander?

Hi, can anyone help. I have just discovered none of my break lights work on my car. How easy is it to fix and ... [Read more]
Mend rover 45 2002

Rover 45 1600 yr 2002?

Doesn't run very smoothly, abit jumpy. Replaced spark plugs, still jumpy but starts first time.
Mend change remove trim

change door mirrow rover 45?

remove door trim to change door mirrow
Mend driving loss car

how to start rover 100?

driving along very fine then loss of pwer car ground to halt i thought it may be petrol it was not got towed ... [Read more]
Mend turn noise started

rover 45, 2001, still clicking?

when i turn the key all i get is a clicking noise from under the bonnet, it bump started down a hill ok, i dro... [Read more]
Mend rover 45 help

rover 45 2001, keeps clicking?

when i try the key all i get is a continious clicking noise, can any one help?
Mend key clicking noise

what is wrong?

i have a rover 45 2001, when i turn key i just get a continious clicking noise, can some help with what this i... [Read more]
Mend central work fob

rover 25 central locking?

please help.just bought a rover 25 and central locking does not work the fob only puts alarm on/off,so have to... [Read more]
Mend rear tailgate lock

rear tailgate lock?

how to test rear Tailgate Lock Actuator on a range rover 2.5 dt
Mend 414 help reg

rover400 414 how to check if the silencers have gone?

thankyou for your help how do i check if the silencers on my exhaust have gone please rover 400 414 v reg.

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