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Mend Ford Cars

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Mend Ford

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We have 8113 questions about mending 'ford' in category Vehicles, Cars

How to mend ... Ford

Mend ford fiesta 96

how can i replace a clutch in a ford fiesta 96?

how can i remove a clutch from one car and replace it in another? ford fiesta 1996?
Mend ford diesel turbo

how do i fix my ford scorpio fan belt?

fanbelt keeps snapping on ford scorpio 2.5 diesel turbo 1994
Mend water pump thermostat

water pump or thermostat?

I have a 1998 ford escort zx2 I drove about 2 minutes down the raod and the tempeture gage shot up as far as i... [Read more]
Mend head ford mondeo

head gasket?

what is the exact process in full for changing the head gasket on a 1997 ford mondeo?
Mend ford galaxy alarm

Ford galaxy alarm probs?

how do i prevent the alarm on my ford galaxy ghia(y reg) from going off all the time? or can i at least turn d... [Read more]
Mend hand brake ford

how do I tighten the hand brake cable on my ford escort 1995 zetec SEFI car?

The hand brake lever keeps going back more clicks all the time. The car has done 54000 miles and MOT.Can I jus... [Read more]
Mend Vehicles, Cars

1999 Ford Taurus Starts, 10 Seconds Later Engine/Fan Noise - Safe?

My mother's 1999 Ford Taurus starts then 10 to 15 seconds later there is noise from engine compartment, sounds... [Read more]
Mend engine warning light

what could the problem be as the engine warning light has come on?

Can you advise what the likely problem could be as the engine warning lght has come on in my 2003 Ford Focus S... [Read more]
Mend fiesta zetec w reg

how can i fix my heating in my ford fiesta 1.25 zetec 3dr w reg?

blows out cold air despite setting the temperature to maximum? may be the water valve not too sure any help a... [Read more]
Mend replace ford pump

how can i replace ford ka screen wash pump?

my ka screen wash does not work fuse is ok how do i replace the pump
Mend ford escort rear

How do i remove my 1998 Ford Escort Rear Bumper?

How do i remove my 1998 Ford Escort Rear Bumper? Please give me as much detail as you can. Thanks
Mend coming front left

Creeking noise coming from the front suspension arm on my KA?

Could someone please advise what i need to do and what is causing a creeking noise on the front left suspensio... [Read more]
Mend ford gear wrong

my ford probe stalls when you stop in first gear or at a red light?

my ford probe stalls in first gear at a red light or when I stop and it wont idle just started doing it ..what... [Read more]
Mend speedo fuel fuse

Does the speedo, the fuel gadge run from a fuse?

I have brought a ford Mondeo v6 2.5 litre the speedo has packed up and the fuel gadge not working do these run... [Read more]
Mend escort automatic car

Ford escort automatic 1997 43000 miles?

When we select D the car really shakes with a loud thud into gear and then works fine. Take it out of drive an... [Read more]
Mend 99 ford escort

How do I remove the face plate/ cassette player from a 99 ford escort?

I dont know how to get my cassette player out of my 1999 Ford Escort. Do I take the whole dash out? Please Hel... [Read more]
Mend plugs ford galaxy

Spark Plugs?

Where abouts are the spark plugs on a 2.3 ford galaxy
Mend ford timing find

1996 ford escort timing belt marks?

Need to find or reset timing belt. trying to find diagrams of timing marks and specs for 1996 ford escort 1.9 ... [Read more]
Mend fiesta reg revs

Fiesta 1.3 encore 1998 s reg revs when changing gear?

Hi My ford fiesta 1.3 encore 1998 s reg has done about 25,000 miles. When you put the clutch in to chang... [Read more]
Mend ford lights work

mk4 ford fiesta faulty lights?

i have just bought a mk4 fiesta but the side lights and dash lights sometimes work and sometimes they dont i h... [Read more]

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