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Mend Gainsborough Baths and Showers

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Mend Gainsborough Shower Help

PRD on gainsborough shower Help please damsal in distress?

I have a gainsborough shower which was removed so that new tiles could be fitted and it has started leaking!! Ive got a new PRD (small ball thingy) and fitted it but still it leaks? please can anyone help me i just dont know what to do!
Ive looked in gainsborough booklet and it says guarantee is not void if problem with PRD!!
Many thanks everyone
Susie x

November 2007
Fit a new shower.
It'll be cheaper then getting someone in to repair etc
(for some reason all plumber think they are rocket scientists and can charge £200 per hour for simple little jobs!!)

Rocket Scientist Plumber
July 2008
the water comes out but it will not heat up?

walter amos
June 2008
Mend Bathroom Appliances, Baths and Showers
Find out how to mend Gainsborough baths and showers

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Mend Bathroom Appliances, Baths and Showers
Find out how to mend Gainsborough baths and showers