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Mend Toshiba USB Pen Drives

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Mend Memory, USB Pen Drives
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Mend > USB Pen Drives

Mend Toshiba Computer Not Detect Pen Drive

my computer does not detect my pen drive?

earlier my toshiba 2gb pen drive used to work. one day i gave it to my friend to load data while loading his computer hanged.then he didnt removed my pen drive safely.when i used it on my pc it was unable to get detected? help............

farhan ahmed azhar
October 2007
my 4gb apacer pendrive does not detect in my computer and show error code10.....plz help me b'coz i hv some important documents in this pen drive.somehow i need those data from my pendrive

Abul Fajal Bhuiyan SAJAL
December 2011
What if it doesn't show in the disk management....?????Because mine is not...tricky hah!

Tashi Paljor
July 2009
Follow the procedure listed below to correct your registry:

1. Open Start >> Run, and type "regedit" (without double quotes), and click OK.

2. Locate UpperFilters registry value. it resides in the following registry subkey:


3. Click on Edit menu, and select Delete and click OK.
Note: If you receive an error when you try to delete the registry subkey, you may not have correct permissions to edit the subkey.

4. Locate LowerFilters registry value. It resides in the following registry subkey:


5. Click on Edit menu, and select Delete and click OK.
6. Exit Registry Editor and restart your system.

selvaraj.s (who love sindhu)
December 2008
I have the same problem for an Apacer Pen Drive. I tried this steps but I can't see the name of my Pen Drive in the Disk Management Section.

My Pen Drive is not also detected in any computers/laptops.

One of my friends told me that they just waited for my Pen Drive to be detected and my Pen Drive lighted but for me, it was not able to.

Please help me. I really need my Pen Drive. I am even able to find any solutions in the Web. The best is this.

September 2008
but my pen drive does not detect here also

August 2008
To Correct this problem, Right Click on "My Computer" and Choose "Manage". Choose Disk Management. The name of your USB-Pen Drive should show up on the list of "Disks".
Right-Click on the Name of your USB-Pen (The part to the right) and choose "Change Drive Letter and Paths..."
It will show your drive letter as E:, most likely!
Select "Change" and choose a letter you are not using.
It will warn you that if you make this change, you may loose info.
(This applies if you already had a good link to the drive and were using it!)
Click Ok, and your USP-Pen should Pop-Up!

Feel free to contact me through e-mail or msn messeger.

July 2008
dont hav an idea

June 2008
Mend Memory, USB Pen Drives
Find out how to mend Toshiba usb pen drives

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Mend Memory, USB Pen Drives
Find out how to mend Toshiba usb pen drives