I've just replaced the belt and it's a pain of a job...
Put all the screws back in the back - it's accessed via the front.
Take out the top 2 rear screws, push the top of the dryer towards the back, sliding the top off.
'Snap' off the bottom front fascia, and remove the 5 bottom front screws.
Remove the top front inside screws to take off the control panel (you will also need to 'snap' it off from the inside clips) - it will hang loose as it is still connected via wires, so don't pull too hard.
The whole of the front will then lift off (again it's connected via wires so won't go very far!)
The pipe that leads from the filter to the exhaust can be placed to one side until the end.
The drum is held on by the rear, so will stay on. The motor is under the drum attached to the base. On my model there was no 'tensioning pully' - it's brute force.
After retrieving the snapped belt, place belt around drum (it's quite tight) and position to where old belt lay (there was a mark on mine, about 2/3 of the way in), belt ribs on the inside.
You've now got to get the belt over the motor's spindle - not easy. After much swearing I took a piece of 15mm copper (plumbing) pipe about 12" long, threaded it through the gap between the drum and the belt, then forced the end onto the motor spindle. By holding it in place, and gently rotating the drum and pipe, the belt slipped onto the spindle. I then adjusted the belt position by gently rotating the drum (careful that the belt doesn't fall off!!!) and pushing the belt to the correct position on the top of the drum.
After all that, put it all back together in reverse order (except the exhaust pipe).
To fit the exhaust back, unscrew and twist off the exhaust outlet from the back of the machine, and slide the pipe in, and put the exhaust bracket and pipe back on.
Really hope that helps people - it's a difficult job! i have seen for sale tools to help put the belt on - it may be worth buying one!
March 2008