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Mend Replace Steering Rack

How can I replace my steering rack boot?

My front steering rack boot is leaking bad on the driver’s side of my 95 Taurus. This is causing my power steering pump to run low and squeal something awful. I believe the boot is torn, but I can’t quite see where. It doesn’t appear hard to get at. My question is this - How hard is it to replace this part and what are the steps? The nearest clamp will be a piece of cake. The one closer to the engine is going to be a little more difficult. Thanks for the help.

September 2007
hey you are right my dog chewed up mine. Pullthe wheel and that nut in the middle loosen the steering ball joint but leave nut on put a scissor jack up the nut and hit it with a hammer it will come out .put the wheel hub out and put the driveshaft. I may noy have the names right on everything but I have change them good luck.

September 2007
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