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Mend Indesit Dishwashers

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Mend > Dishwashers

Mend Indesit Dishwasher Di 62

How can I fix my Dishwasher Indesit DI 62 (built in)?

I have 4 green programe lights to the lift followed by a "P" (programe change button). By pressing the "P" button it should change the programe. THIS DOSE NOT HAPPEN. If I turn the dishwasher off for a while I can change the programe, however no mater what programme it is set on when the programme is finished and I open the door and the dishwasher has automatically selected just a rince wash (4th green light) is there anybody that can help??

Mr woodie
March 2005
hold the p button until it makes a long beep this should reset the dishwasher and allow you to chose the right programme

b. brown
May 2007
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