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Mend Electrolux Caravan Gas

Electrolux RM4230 (I think) fridge?

Just got back from Spain in caravan. Fridge did not work wel on either mains or gas (to be expected in heat) but I noticed that when connected to 12V the red light in the switch was flashing rather that staying on as it should. Also, I did not hear the fan/pump 'cut-in' as I normally do when on mains, it was quiet throughout. Would have expected it to be working flat out and on almost permanently. Any ideas please anyone?

Tim Middleton
August 2007
where the 12v fuse is on the electrolux RM42030

July 2012
I have the same fridge, but I'm a newbie to fact I don't know how to turn it on.
I have the red & green lights working OK, but don't know how to fire it up on mian elec.
Next to the red&green lights is a knob numberered 1-7 which I assume is a temp control.
I've turned this to 7 and with red&green light displayed I don't hear it fire up.
Can someone tell me how to start it up, and hoiw do I know if it's working PLEASE?

May 2011
I have had the flashing red light when on 12v and beleive i fixed it by re setting my auto voltage sensing relay in the car

however it now only works on 12v or gas but not on 240v any help with that would be appreciated, How do i test the element

September 2009
Sounds to me that you should possible have it serviced
it could be that the conections are loose/dirty with wear or that the switch needs cleaning
You must understand that with twelve volts it only takes a small amount of dust/dirt ot stop the current
Hope i've helped in some way

August 2009
bought s/h caravan found the fridge was not works and all elec light switch is ok [green &red] but cold didnt come on
I removed fridge out and look at back check electrics tester
found the heater element not working bought new one £30
refitted it worked if you have same problem as me checked it ok happy caravaning

August 2008
Mend Vehicles, Caravans/Motorhomes
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Find out how to mend Electrolux caravans/motorhomes