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Mend Sharp Microwaves

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Mend Sharp Microwave Seconds

how to fix Microwave?

I have a Sharp Carousel R-408DW 1200 whatts microwave. I use it noe day a seconds later it began to spark on the inside as if I had foil in it. (but I didn't). When I open it the wave cover had burn marks on it. What is the problem?

June 2004
The job of the waveguide cover is to protect the waveguide (opening) and the magnetron from buildup of food particles and grease.

When the grease and food particles build up on and behind the cover, they will carbonize and arc - and maybe even flame up!

The solution is to clean it and keep it clean - but if it's too dirty or is burned, it must be replaced.

Sometimes it's necessary to remove the cover to clean both sides of it, and to clean the edges of the opening it covers.

It is sometimes held in place with a small plastic rivet (or screw) and once that is removed, the cover will slide over a little then drop down.

Be VERY careful not to get cut on the potentially sharp edges of the opening, and do not spray anything into the opening.

Apply an alcohol-based cleaner (such as the purple kind) and /or gentle scouring powder to a cloth or paper towel and carefully wipe it out, then when it's dry, reinstall the cover and the rivet.

I suggest to my customers that they NEVER use any ammonia-based cleaner (like the blue stuff) on a microwave, since the ammonia will crack and distort polycarbonate plastics.

William Miller †
March 2007
Well, my microwave is not wroking because my microwave has a switch that you turn, but it doesnt turns anymore and the whole thing gets burn. Whats the problem so I could fix my microwave. Please tell me how to fix it!!!

October 2005
I just posted a question regarding the same thing. Well sort of. The wave stirir, the thing that I believe is suppose to spin isn't. Mine isn't. There
s a cover and you should be able to take it off, run it without the cover and observe if there is any rotation of the blade(s). If not that could be your problem. Does the cover have any holes in it. Mine does. I think when food builds up on the cover or it gets hot the plastic in that area of the microwave melts slowly, causing heating issues.

September 2004
Mend Kitchen Appliances, Microwaves
Find out how to mend Sharp microwaves

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Mend Kitchen Appliances, Microwaves
Find out how to mend Sharp microwaves