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Mend Hotpoint Tumble Dryers

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Mend > Tumble Dryers

Mend Hotpoint Cold Dryer

Hotpoint TC71 blowing cold?

As a person who knows absolutely nothing about repairing a Tumble Dryer, how do I go about repairing my Hotpoint TC71? It is blowing cold. Please could anyone advise me what may need replacing and where to get it?


Stuart Masters

Stuart Masters
March 2005
The bottom thermostat blue wires is resetable small hole in top, reset with a pin.

October 2010
we've got British Gas Homecare & their boys have tried 8 times to fix this fault. They leave it working, but next time we try... same problem. They have finally offered to invoke the clause in the agreement which allows us a payment to replace it.

frustrated of Billingham
February 2009
I have the same drier model TC71 with the same fault, (i.e. no heating any more). I cured it about 18 months ago by replacing the one of the 2 button theromostats located inside the rear of the machine . They look like thick silver buttons. Just remove the large cowling plate & you'll see them sitting above the machine heater elements,. I'm assuming the elements are OK. These thermostats retail at about £9 each and can be purchased at most white goods repair centres.
Don't forget to isolate the electrical power before you do anything.
Unfortunately I got the same problem last week again and its not the thermostats this time. If anyone knows what else can cause no heating besides the thermostats or the elements on the Hotpoint TC71 please let me know.

Des Gilmore
January 2006
Mend Household Appliances, Tumble Dryers
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