ford fiesta radio froze on code ---- and i cannot re imput it,how do i reset and how long before i can reset it?
August 2012
I had the same problem,but whit ford radio 2004,it's frozen becouse i put wrong key many times.. and i dont know how to put the real key to put agein becouse it's frozen(bloked)..plss help
February 2010
a number of things you can do and they all relate to cutting the power. first try removing the fuse for the radio. leave it out for 12 hours. if it doesn't reset itself - remove the radio from the panel and disconnect the radio power cable. but before doing that - please disconnect the neg terminal on our car battery. again - leave the power cord off from your radio in case there's something there holding the charge.
August 2007
If you are getting the 3 bars (without them flashing) you can reset it by leaving the radio and ignition on for about half an hour. You will then get one try to inout the code. You should be able to repeat this if you input it incorrectly. I know this works as I have a 2005 rds.
Good Luck.
August 2007
I can answer this question...
how do i reset car radio after too many invalid codes?