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Mend Plumbing

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Mend > Plumbing

Mend Lock Water Pressure

air lock in electric shower?

shower has developed a thumping/thudding noise causing the water pressure to pulsate and even momentarily to cease altogether before then thudding out again; sounds like an air block
how did it get in and how do i get it out?
causes the low pressure light to flicker on and off and thumping now goes on for the duration of the shower

This is a New Team 8500 shower

Mrs Joan Begg
July 2007
sounds more like a blockage than airlock.
try cleaning your shower head or any limescale. check the flexi hose is not twisted, if all ok check the inline filter which is located where your water feed pipe enters into the shower unit.

hi-spec plumbing
July 2007
Mend D.I.Y, Plumbing
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