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Mend Vauxhall Vectra Cars

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Mend Vauxhall Vectra Apart Passenger Side

How can I fix Vauxhall Vectra wiper linkage?

The wiper linkage has come apart leaving the passenger side wiper out of action...I managed to get it working but do not know what holds it together as it keeps separating.

Laurie Friel
July 2007
We make a Repair clip for the early Vectra’s with brown sockets and a Repair Channel for the later one with white sockets

Ask The Mechanic Ltd
November 2016
Good chunky cable ties on both ends of the rod linking the passengerside wiper pivot.
Excellent fix..

September 2015
fixed mine with 2 ties in pooring rain
just broke today 57 plate

May 2014
just happened to me the end nr the motor at the bottom has worn and failed the other end is as good as new just swapped other so loose end on top and tight end clipped under .
wonder how long it will last packed the plastic ball joint ends with grease .

layla james dad
June 2013
I used cable ties for two years and then got rid of the most useless car on the planet. I'll never buy vauxhall again. Got a Toyota Avensis and it's a far superior car.

Darren Madden
July 2012
Tie wraps only work if one end comes off, if both ends of the arm are loose they wont stay on..

July 2011
Have same problem with 04. Got three quotes and cheapest £290. Can anyone help with the DIY? How do i attach tie wraps?

January 2011
I used a two 10mm tie raps put round both top and bottom linkage and it hasn't come off since it's been six months now and the tie raps are as good as new £2.00 for the bag of tie raps. try it, it works

August 2010
i agree with larry j .. i did the tie wrap fix 5 years ago and its still going stong

Pete C
April 2010
My Vetra is 05 and the same thing has happened!!! Luckily it is under warranty. I hope this isnt the start of problems!

December 2009
wiper linkagge

October 2009
The wiper linkage broke on my Opel Vectra but it was still under warranty. The local Opel Dealer said it was a known weak point - so much so that they kept a number of spare linkages in stock and fixed mine while I waited. Will the new one last? Haven't a clue and don't care. Shortly afterwards a silly woman drove into me and wrote it off.

I. Thrasham Tubitz
January 2009
It is almost impossible to fix and vauxhall have quoted me £170-11 to replace it on my 04 vectra. Newer models have upgraded this linkage si i would of thought mine would be recalled as it must be a problem. Vauxhall? Keep them, falling apart at 4 years old. Never have a vauxhall again.

Norman Watson
June 2008
try using a tie wrap to join both linkage bars together to stop it coming apart at the ball joint link

Larry J
January 2008
if it is a new shape vectra you have to replace the whole thing

welsh ian
July 2007
Mend Vehicles, Cars
Mend repair fix Vauxhall Vectra cars

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Mend repair fix Vauxhall Vectra cars