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Mend DVD Players

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Mend > DVD Players

Mend Venturer Dvd Player

I am looking for a charger for venturer pvs1262?

We have the dvd player and the remote in great condition however we do not have the charger. Any ideas on where to get one?

July 2007
E bay has them All the time. Also look on ebay for a player that is compatible with your Venture such as a Kawasaki portable dvd. They have the same batteries and charger that fits both. I know i have them both. Also look for one that says it comes with a rechargeable battery and charger and adaptor, but the player does not work and bid on that one because no one else is gonna want it so you will probably win it for $1.00. It's a good idea because all you need out of it is the charger! Don't tell the seller that because he might take it off the listing and sell it as parts and then you'll lose out and he'll raise the price on the battery sky high. Oh well, , enough schooling. hope I help you. good luck.

M Asberry
January 2008
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Mend Video, DVD Players
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