no of flashes
1=short circuit triac
2=motor jammed check plugs
3=ntc open/short circuit
4=p/switch jammed on empty
5=p/switch jammed on full
6=prog selector managment error
7=heater relay stuck
8=heater relay cant be activated(common on new boards try tapping relays)
9=inompatable eprom
10=pswitch not sensing correctly
11=pump cant be activated
no 12
13=dryer fan does not work dryer ntc faulty
14=dryer ellement
15=dryer ellemnt not working dryer relay on pcb probable
no flashes but door lock led lit but fails 2 cstart check door lock motor heater and associated connections
were there is a lcd display all codes will be preceeded with an f except h20 =not filling
July 2007