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Mend Nissan Micra Car Door

leak in footwell in car?

my car is a nissan micra inspiration 1999 3 door 12.75cc The passenger footwell is getting wet, is this due to car seal round door if not anyone any ideas on what is happening, only happens when car parked

July 2007
The drains either in the sunroof or the drains located behind the wheels are blocked with soil or other dirt. The ones in the sunroof are at the front corners; those behind the wheels are difficult to locate - they consist of a slot of about 2" wide by .50" high and they get full of earth, etc., and need to be cleaned out.

Margaret Bradshaw
June 2011
Not an answer as such, but a question - does your Micra have a sunroof? Reason for the question is, after three "old shape" Micras with no problems, our "new shape" Micra 1.4 collects water after every rainfall in the RH (driver's in UK) side footwell - up to a full inch or more! The soft roof lining next to the sunroof is also saturated, so it can't be door or window seals, unless rain has suddenly started going upwards... Any experience of this please anyone - I fear a Nissan Dealer would rub his hands with glee and dismantle the car before telling me it's one of those "untraceable" faults...

Renaud Spencer
February 2010
I have just cured this problem on my wifes' three door Micra.
Remove the wiper blades and then remove the plastic cover at the bottom of the screen,(these are just popout clips, no screws). The screen sits on two locating clips about one foot in from each edge. you will find that the passenger side clip is leaking water which is directly above the air fan intake and runs over the fan housing and drips onto the carpet. Use a black silicon sealent and completely cover both of these clips ensuring that you get the sealent under the clip between it and the screen. Also ensure that you seal around the popout gromets on the bulkhead. Reassemble, dry out your carpet,(I used base layer of kitchen roll and several sheets of newspaper with a weight applied to add pressure), and I am fairly certain that your problem will be solved. I feel sure that the Nissan Micra designer did not realise that the screen positioning gromet was directly over the fan intake and could present exactly this problem. (Good luck).

keith byers
August 2007
could be a number of areas that its leaking from,my ist thought would be door seals or even sunroof seal,also check bulkhead

July 2007
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