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Mend Triton Baths and Showers

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Mend > Baths and Showers

Mend Triton Problem Going Light

Triton Zante (no power?

Hi all
i smell bad and i need a shower, one problem its broke, there is no power going to the shower at all, and the light on the power switch in the airing cupboard is very dim when switched on, about half as bright as when the shower worked, the switch has its own trip on the mains box (R40), and one pipe going to itis there a simple fix for this, please help, we all smell.

Gray Noone
June 2007
thank you Hi Spec Pluming

i am now a clean bunny, shower works a treat, it was the switch, i got spark to come fix it in for me, he said it was exaxctly what was mentioned here, wires not screwed tight enough, so thank you very much

Gray Noone
July 2007

hi-spec plumbing
July 2007
there has been a fishy smell in the cupboard too, couldnt work out what it was, and a friend has informed me that this happens when the switch arcs, does this sound familiar.

Gray Noone
July 2007
i would say somethings shorting in the electrics. isolate the main fuse and have a look in the switch in your cupboard see if theirs any burnt or shorted wires.

hi-spec plumbing
June 2007
Mend Bathroom Appliances, Baths and Showers
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Mend Bathroom Appliances, Baths and Showers
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