Just fixed Mine.Pull temp control off (fixed on splines)may be corroded and tight if old but will pull off.
Remove spring C clip holding ON /OFF and pressure control(large dial)
TURN WATER OFF (very important)
Next is the difficult part if shower is old. Large wrench is required to undo large brass housing with flats on periphery.
This is a normal right handed thread but can be very difficult if shower is old. Sharp Tap with mallet may help but with so much leverage there is a danger of damaging the shower fixing.
after the housing is removed the complete spindle assembly etc. can be removed. Place all parts in kettle descaler. Re-assemble using all new seals washers springs etc. in the service pack approx £11 from plumbers merchants
Service pack has exploded view of all parts and assembly. Be very careful to get assembly of all parts in correct order and not damage the small neoprene O rings. Grease all threads with silicon grease provided and re-assemble and test
August 2007