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Mend Dell Problem Board Set

dell w2600 dead?

hi! did anybody ever find out the actual problem with the power board on this set?

June 2007
i have found that my tv works if it is at a very low temperature

if you unplug it and leave it a good 12 hours in a freezing room it usually works

dont know if this indicates a cold solder joint or a bad component but it is definatly temperature related on my set

December 2010
I had my brothers tv somewhat fixed for a couple minutes. I pushed power button and heard a click. Pushed again and nothing. Pressed and hold for 5 or so seconds and heard the other click. Done that a couple times and the blue power light came on and went back off. So I did it a couple more times and the light came on and stayed on and I had picture and sound. I had the back of the tv off and listened to the main board. Somewhere around the big 450 cap in the center of the board there was a buzzing noise. While fiddling with it a little, I blew the board. So the problem is somewhere around that 450 capacitor.

December 2009
if any body found out how to fix the power problem with the dell w2600 i have one that wont power on can some one help me thanks e mail me at
August 2007
is there an answer to the dell w2600 problem?
August 2007
steve, can you walk someone thru fixing it?

hector rojo
August 2007
from what i have figured out so far it is in the signal board
i swapped boards back and forth and this is how i have found that the issue is not the power board.
At least on the units i have worked on
steve leamy

Steve Leamy
June 2007
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