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Mend Mh542p Hedge Trimmer

How can I fix my McCULLOCK MH542P hedge trimmer?

I have a McCULLOCK MH542P hedge trimmer. one of the fuel pipes got disconnected and the only way I thought I could get to it was by opening the handle assembly - big mistake, the trottle and safety triggers and spring, and a long bit of plastic retaining the trottle cable dropped off before I could see where they came from. I'm able to put the triggers on their shafts but cannot work out how the spring goes and also the trottle cable and that long bit of black piece of plastic which I presume was holding the trottle cable. Any suggestions apprecieated

George Vella
June 2007
Hi. In answer to the throttle cable issue. This took me a while to work it out. The long plastic bar compresses between the two handle half's. If you look at them you will see a location socket on each side so that you can only put the bar in one way. The throttle cable pulls through the plastic bar and onto the cutout at the front of the trigger. It is quite tricky putting it all back together, four hands would be useful. I hope this helps.

Static Vandal
June 2018
I have the same model (mh542p) i have got so far as taking the blades off and the and looked at the drive gear and i can clearly see that the teeth on the drive gear have been ground down. I need to replace the gear but i can not find any step by step guide to do it. Im worried that id i just start taking it apart i might do something wrong. Any help is apreciated.


December 2015
Dismantle as above but use the following method to remove the gear it makes the job easy and you won’t be damaging parts.
The clutch plate has a copper bolt so put the plastic assembly in the freezer for an hour when its good and cold secure the gear cog in a small vice using a pair of sturdy wiring pliers locate the points in the two holes in the bottom of the clutch plate and turn anti clock wise it should unscrew easily. Tap the ballraces out of the plastic housing the gear is in two of them return it to the freezer for another hour. Place the ballrace between the jaws of the vice and tap the gear shaft out it will come out easily. To re assemble reverse the process warming and cooling parts as required and it will all hold together tight and on damage will be done.
Hope this helps

June 2010
Hi - I had the same problem fitting my drive gear. you have to dismantle the unit untill you get the black plastic mount with the clutch drum on one side and the drive gear on the other. then you have to lock the drum by putting a small screwdriver or somthing similar through the hole and locating it in the locking hole. Afer that you have to use a small adjustable or spanner to unthread the gear from the drum. (this is hard work because they locktite it in the factory but it will go eventually). if the gear is old and britle the head may sheer off so then just use grips to turn it off. once you have that unscrewed the bearings and gear should push out of the plastic then you need a press to push the gear out of the bearing. you can get the correct gear from - once you have done that nand have the new gear just reverse the process to put it back in.

It is harder to get back in than it is to get out so BEWARE! Your local Husqvarna dealer will do this for you but it will cost! Hope this helps.

May 2009
I know this is not much help but the same thing happened to me it took me ages to figure out and it was very time consuming and fiddley it will become clear how it fits together, remember it can only fit one way.
It you take off the main case you can see where the throttle cable goes, you have got a choice of holes to fit it into use a set of long nose pliers to put the cable back into one of the retaining holes, pick a hole that makes the cable taught.
The problem with taking the main case of is that it is held on with anti tamper proof screws which are a star shape.
Sorry i cannot be any more help with the assembly it is difficult to expain in words how it all fits.

Garry McGlennon
November 2007
I've just got a new drive gear for my mcCulloch Virginia 542P dose anyone know how to remove the old one? thank's

Darren Brittle
June 2007
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