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Mend Fisher & Paykel Washing Machines

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Mend Fisher & Paykel Problem

HELP! Problem with Fisher & Paykel Smartdrive Excellence (GW709AU)?

I am having a problem with my washing machine (Excellence GW709AU). It starts filling up, on and off for about a minute and then just stops & starts beeping continuously. I can then push pause, but nothing more and the board shows a funny sequence of lights.

I've tried turning it off at the wall, and leaving it a while, but this changes nothing.

Any help would be great, as I've just been informed by Fisher & Paykel that it will cost $110 just to get someone out, with parts on top of that!!

May 2007
OMG - thank you all so much! Between this and another site where I deciphered the washing machine's error code I fixed the balance switch with a few squirts of WD-40! Love my 15yo Fisher and Paykel and was determined to figure out a solution without calling in a service person. Love the internet!! FYI - once I removed the control panel there were some printed semi-helpful instructions tucked inside a small zipper bag too.

Mom for the WIN
October 2016
Awesome - this worked for me. Much appreciated.

These switches are getting to that age (15 years) where they will gunk up in the switch and the switch terminals will need a clean

June 2016

Pisher Faykel
April 2016
David thank you for the simple fix instructions. Worked a treat and now have the reassuring noise of the washer going about its job rather than the panic of a service call or replacement. Thanks again.

June 2014
Ditto the balance switch on our machine.Cleaned contacts,quick spray of wd40 and presto! Many thanks.

March 2014
Thanks all $3.75, the machine is fixed and the wife thinks i'm genius.

May 2013
David, thanks so much.Fixed my wifes machine in fifteen minutes.Great to have someone who's machine savvy.and I've saved at least $200 for repairman

April 2013
OMG just did as was suggested. Cost us NZ$4.99 from Jaycar for the required component as cleaning didn't suffice.... Primo.... Wasn't the exact same switch but we adapted it as it was the closest to the actual switch.... Worked a treat....

March 2013
Thank you for you clear instructions David as I am mechanically illiterate too. They worked a treat.

March 2013
It Worked and I am mechanically illiterate. Here is how I did it.1 Remove the two screws at the back of the control panel. 2 Lift the control panel from the machine pulling it up and forward from the back. 3. Remove the single screw located centre front holding the inside "works" of the control panel to the machine. 4 Locate the micro switch on on the right side it has a yellow and a white wire attached. 5 Ease out the micro switch attached to these wires. It is held in by a built in plastic clip on each side. Gently ease these apart as you lift out the micro switch. 6 Clean the contacts of the switch and also clean the the little button on the side if the switch. It is the size of a match head and should pop in and out. 7 Spray the contacts and in side the switch where the the button pops out. 8 Resemble and Bob's your uncle.

March 2013
I love the internet! Just had the same problem...a corroded balance switch...pulled it out...cleaned the contacts and off it goes. Thanks to David Wu's note from Sept 2007 I could actually find the switch! (Under the control board...undo the one screw holding it down...its a white switch with two contacts (white and yellow wires))

January 2013
Cleaning the balance switch fixed my problem too!

Took about 30 mins to find, remove, clean and replace it. Now I've done it, reckon it'll take 10mins next time.

Thanks for the tip!

March 2012
I was getting the 00101011 error (the washer would start stop start stop filling for a minute) on my 1999 fisher & paykel excellence 6.5. I located the out of balance switch under the control panel and found there was moisture in it with a bit of corrosion. Sprayed it down with lubricant and voila. I have just finished 1 load of laundry with no problems.

March 2012
Thank you all posters! I had the same issue and it was fixed by spraying the balance switch (located inside the control pannel (no need to take apart machiene...:)) with wd40. Good as new...cheers

October 2010
I had the same problem and found the micro switch on the out of balance lever was all corroded inside and broken. I spent AU$3.50 at Jaycar and bought a new switch and off it went again no problems. I also gave the reed switch that senses when the lid has been opened or closed and good shake. 3 weeks on an going like new. PS A tech quoted me AU$200 to do this!

February 2010
the capacitors on the rotor position sensor are possibly cracked or corroded. part number is 420296p.

jeff p
November 2009
Hi there,

I'd be really grateful for some help - my machine starts and then continues in bursts.

I've tried the diagnostic but get no lights at all however when the machine stops it's 00101011.

I've cleaned out the drum, there's no obstructions and fuses etc all look fine. Can you tell me where the balance switches are.

We don't get the tech plans as we did in the UK - bugger!

Thanks a million

April 2009
THANKYOU! Have had the same problem and found the imbalance lever thingo sitting loosely at the right hand side behind the washing drum and managed to click it back into position surprisingly easily. I was about to look at new washing machine prices on the net having just spent up big on car repair bills so am very relieved.

April 2009
I also had the same problem. For now I just cleaned the balance switch and gave it a squirt of crc (wd-40) and it is good for now ... I might need to replace it soon though.

July 2008
Thanks pals. I have the same problem with my machine as well. When it happen, my wife gave the dum a good shake (& kick), then it worked again.
But after shaking it a thousand time today, and start thinking buying another washing machine.... that forced me to search internet for a fixing solution. It is finally located! It is just the "balance switch" got jammed with the scum. Give a good clean, it poped out,and works again!
PS the "balance switch" is located behind the panel. You can find it connects to a white plastic lever hinging down next to the dum.

David Wu
September 2007
Hi me....

thanks for that info...our machine has just started the same symptoms....

Can you tell me if you replaced the balance switch or wether a service person came out and did it?

Is it possible for a handy joe blow to be able to do it himself?

Thanks for any help....

June 2007
Hi Danika,
possibly a bit late, but this might help someone.

i have the same issue on the smartdrive9

It ended out being a balance switch that had corroded. - parts around NZ$15, and takes about 5 - 10 mins to change.


June 2007
Mend Household Appliances, Washing Machines
Find out how to mend Fisher & Paykel washing machines

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Mend Household Appliances, Washing Machines
Find out how to mend Fisher & Paykel washing machines