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Mend IBM Thinkpad Ibm Error 163

ibm 380ed thinkpad, error codes 163 and 161?

I start the computer and error codes 163 and 161 came up. I changed the cmos battery, but now the computer won't start up. It starts and stops within seconds. How do I fix it?

Floyd Johnson
May 2007
what is cmose

February 2012
i need solution to error 165 my pc is a IBM 55sx.

Rafael Rivera
May 2010
be careful removing the battery a machine this old may have weak plastic. however the machine will boot without the cmos battery. just not a bad battery.
you will still get the error codes 163 and 161 just hit enter to get past the bios clock and errors and it will boot.

April 2009
Hi i was given a thinkpad 380ed and im trying to get it re formatted but i dont no the password to reboot, can anyone help please?

November 2008
on the back of your 380 just above your battery remove cover, 1- phillips screw & change 3 v L1 battery ,P/N cr1220 sony.

October 2008
what is cmos

February 2008
Hi Floyd Johnson
The solution for your problem is :

1: Swith off plug
2. take out cmos jumper (for reseting cmos & bios system)
3. After 1 minutes, installed back the cmos jumper
4. Plug on your power cable
5. You are done..

MH Nizal

MH Nizal
January 2008
I suggest that you download a Hardware Maintenance Manual from Lenovo now own all of IBM's former PC assets.

May 2007
Mend Computers, Notebooks/Laptop PCs
Mend repair fix IBM Thinkpad notebooks/laptop pcs

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Mend repair fix IBM Thinkpad notebooks/laptop pcs