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Mend Vax Vacuum Cleaners

Mend Household Appliances, Vacuum Cleaners
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Mend > Vacuum Cleaners

Mend Vax Pump Open Top

washer pump on vacum cleaner vax luna 1300?

How to open and separate top from the bottom plastic shell in which is placed water preasure pump for washing the carpets so I could replace it with a new one? I unscrew 6 screws but still can't separate two plastics in which is vacuum motor and the pump.

May 2004
I have one of these & the pump packed up just outside of the guarantee but Vax agreed to repair it FOC. Another year went by & the pump packed up again & the agent wanted about £50 to replace it so it has only been used as a vacuum ever since. A very unreliable machine as a carpet washer & very fiddly to set up. Number of times used as a washer about four! Take my tip & rent a proper carpet washer for about £15 for a day. Would never buy another VAX!

September 2012
Lez, Renato

Any ideas as to where I can buy a new pump or fix the old one?

August 2005

I have a Vax Luna 1400 and for some reason I am no longer able to use it as a carpet washer. Although, I can still use it as a hoover. What do you think could be wrong with it? Could it be that it needs a new washer pump like yours? If so, where can I obtain one of these and roughly how much are they?

July 2005
there is a handle on top of the lid, you need to remove the cover part of the handle, this will expose two further screws.

June 2004
Mend Household Appliances, Vacuum Cleaners
Free repair help for Vax vacuum cleaners

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Mend Household Appliances, Vacuum Cleaners
Free repair help for Vax vacuum cleaners