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Mend McCulloch Grass Trimmers

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Mend McCulloch Strimmer Will Run

McCulloch MT270 strimmer will not run?

My McCulloch MT270 will not run. It will start but stops after a few seconds. If you prime it again it will start but stops again after a couple of seconds. I think it is probably a fuel supply problem, anyone got any advice what the problem might be and how to fix it.

Joe Mottram
April 2007
I've had one of these strimmers for several years now and it's always been a bit of a pain in the bum.
Does anybody know which screw is for the air adjustment and which is for the fuel?

May 2009
Hi I had the same trouble with mine. It's an air leak in the fuel line. Take a look at the fuel lines mine where perished and breaking up I changed all of them and now it runs perfectly it's really easy to do.

May 2008
Mend Garden Tools, Grass Trimmers
Click here to mend McCulloch grass trimmers

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Mend Garden Tools, Grass Trimmers
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