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Mend Vauxhall Astra Cars

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Mend Vauxhall Astra Start Engine

my vauxhall astra mk 4 wont start?

my vauxhall astra mk 4 wont start, the engine management light comes on. the battery is fully charged and i dont think its the starter motor as it doesnt even click

April 2007
where is the starter motor located on a astra 99 1.8?

September 2011
thought the starter motor had gone on my mk 4 astra replaced it car started fine for 1 day now its sounding like the starter motor is not engaging again

May 2011
Could be the solonoid. If that's gone then the starter motor won't click. May have to replace the starter motor anyway as the solonoid may be attached directly to it as one complete unit. Also have you checked your immobiliser?

April 2007
Mend Vehicles, Cars
Mend repair fix Vauxhall Astra cars

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Mend repair fix Vauxhall Astra cars