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Mend Electrolux Washing Machines

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Mend > Washing Machines

Mend Electrolux Manual 1200 Machine

i need a user manual for a aqualux 1200 washing machine?

\electrolux aqualux 1200 (EW1200) washing machine,need to no what the ABC ect is for ie temperature

Rita ELder
February 2007
there you go:

May 2010
I have a manual which I can scan and send to you if this would help

Richard G
December 2008
I obtained a manual from Electrolux, FOC, but due to not being able to add attachments to this answer, can't post it.
The email address of the person I got the manual from is;

I'm sure if you contact him, he'll help you also.


August 2008
Just what you need & FREE!

February 2008
Hi, Did you get a manual as I am after one too? Thanks

November 2007
I do too - we have no idea how to use our washing machine so any clues - even juts how to make it spin my soaking wet clothes would be appreciated!

Laura Boyd
March 2007
My son has this washer/dryer also without manual but he does have a card in the machine with the following instructions.
A whites with pre-wash 95 degrees
B whites 95 degrees
C fast coloureds 60 degrees
D non fast coloureds 40 degrees
F spin 1200
G full heat drying
H synthetics 50 degrees
J worn once 30 degrees
K short spin
L half heat drying
M wool wash 40 degrees
N delicate wash 40 degrees
P rinses
Q softeners
R drain

Hope this helps. We do not know what the actual buttons on the machine are for. Perhaps you can help us.

March 2007
if u search washing machine manuals on google or yahoo a few websites will come up that u can download manuals from.

March 2007
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